Saturday, February 25, 2012

Pastel Palette for Spring/Summer 2012

The pastel colours is one of the most popular trends for Spring/Summer 2012. We can observe it in every collection of top fashion designers. We agree that pale colours is a perfect match for a warm season. These colours make your looks so romantic and feminine. And the palette is gorgeous: from pale mint colour to light aubergine.
Enjoy the collages made by us. We chose the top collection of Spring/Summer 2012.
We like the palette trend very much and we are sure, we'll use it in spring and summer. And you? :)


  1. I really love pastel colours!
    check out my blog
    and you can follow if you like it

  2. I love pastels. It's first what associate with Spring. So girly feminine and soft. beautiful!

    xoxo Ra

  3. Почти все эти цвета уже успели надоесть, но вот лемонный)) Мм, красивый очень и такой свежий)

    Daria, the Fashionsurfer



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